The word “unstoppable”, I would say it’s quite cliché and even Sia has a track in her 2016 Album on this word ( I am a huge fan of Sia!). This expression is increasingly popular and synonymous with motivation, performance and confidence. I’m telling this story for you to see that unprecedent moments can provide opportunites where we are able to be the best version of ourselves and effortlessly winning.
It was back in my elementary school days when the world was free with little or no problem to worry about. I was 8 years old and in Grade 3. We had the Physical Exercise (PE) class and the PE teacher taught us about sprinting i.e. running a 100m dash. Our teacher grouped us in pairs and we competed against each other. We were about 10 pairs and the faster of each pair was selected and regrouped again, so we engaged in this mini contest till we had the last two standing.
I remember correctly that boys and girls competed against each other. Interestingly gender roles didn’t matter, some girls were faster than the boys and vice versa. Thinking out loud, the world could use more of my PE teacher :)
Each time I ran, I was the fastest. I ran faster than the boys that I was paired against, I was simply unstoppable. The rounds continued till I became the last kid standing with another class mate – Ijeoma.
Ijeoma was a smallish bright eyed girl with long black hair. She was very smart- “top of our class”, also our class prefect and “now she is going to be the fastest in the class”, I’d thought to myself.
Telling this story I can’t help but wonder why are some people almost perfect and have everything going for them. “This life no get balance” my fellow Nigerians would say in Pidgin.
So you see, in my little mind then, I wanted nothing more than to beat her on that last game. We ran together and she won! Of course she won, I mean she was nearly perfect back then :) but we were the best two.
At the end, the teacher let us know that both of us were selected to be part of the school track and field team. The whole exercise was to select the best 2 from our class. No one expected this, perhaps other kids could have put in their personal best.
This is one of my proud moments and I still remember vividly other fond memories been part of the schools athletic club.
Now you may be wondering so why this story?
Well reminiscing on this memory, it was a teachable moment with few lessons that are valid for most people who are running at their best or living their best life.
These lessons are:
Self Discovery
We all should be life’s student, constantly exposing ourselves to new experiences which will lead to new discoveries. This can occur at any time. Without previous trials and exposure, I discovered I was good at sprinting.
Being ready at all times
Unprepared situations can bring out the best in us, we just have to be ready to give our best. On that day, I was a happy kid willing to show my ability under the hot scorching Nigerian sun.
Fighting spirit
A competitive spirit with a healthy sense of ambition will get you far and keep you motivated. Especially without any expectation, the drive and thirst to win is a must have
One must accept one’s unique ability and learn contentment. I was a good runner but Ijeoma was better. I was not the fastest Runner but I was selected to join the school’s team. To me it was winning and that was enough!
Have you ever found yourself unstoppable, what did you learn and what stuck with you?